Hybrid SKYEYE™ Streetlight
Hybrid SkyEye™ LED Street Light
Hybrid LED Street Light for Smart Cities The Sun-In-One AC lighting system can be used for street or parking lot lighting. The addition of a photoelectric cell allows the light to only turn on at nighttime. The photo cell coupled with a programmable driver gives full lighting control. You can set different brightness levels for different times in the night. This hybrid lighting system comes in LED bulb sizes of 90 Watts for Street lights and 80 Watts for parking lot lights.
Want to monitor your business but don’t want to pay fees for maintenance on the system? Maybe you have video surveillance but are looking for a cheaper option. Either way Sun-In-One has a low cost solution for you. In today’s world video surveillance needs to become more and more discreet. This requires remote video surveillance in places where normal power and internet lines may not be able to reach. Sun-In-One solar offers video surveillance in a streetlight via the SkyEye™. The Sky Eye streetlight and video surveillance system make power and wireless backhauling no longer an issue for your high-resolution video system and street lighting. They are the best all-around outdoor solution for video surveillance. Whether it’s in a remote commuter parking lot, on the outside of perimeter fencing or at the entry way of your business, the SkyEye™ can ensure your property is secure.
SkyEye™ is a complete LED Street Light and Parking Lot Light System with optional features including super bright LED lights, plug & play wireless controls, active motion sensing, and a top-rated video security camera. This security system provides full coverage and surveillance, and will fully light any area necessary. Our energy-efficient system can also be solar or hybrid-powered, meaning your surveillance network can be completely off-grid and immune to power failures.
SkyEye™ uses intelligent motion sensing as an active deterrent and an energy optimizer: our system only uses power when it needs it. Each SkyEye™ is equipped with a speaker an microphone for active communication between any remote location and the site in question. Our video backhauling options allow for simple and limitless expansion of any security surveillance system, and our video management software is free and can be integrated with any existing main-stream VMS.
Cellular Backhauling
This is Sun-In-One’s wireless backhauling option for users that want to view video surveillance primarily through mobile devices via a cellular network.
Motion Sensing Technology
Our LED Streetlights are also available with motion sensing technology. Integrating motion sensing allows for more efficient power usage on highways and in parking lots. The motion sensor has the ability to sense both slow and fast motion and turns on lights accordingly. The motion sensing is also compatible with our programmable driver which allows for precision lighting for any application. Whether the motion sensor detects a man walking or a car going 80mph, the LED lights will illuminate to 100%
Sun-In-One SkyEye™ Lighting System Includes:
- LED Streetlight Head or Parking Lot Box Head
- Fish Eye (360⁰) Video Surveillance Camera
- Speaker for communications and broadcast alerts
- Cellular Modem and Antenna
- Photoelectric Cell
- Programmable Driver for Timed Dimming
- Hybrid Power Kit
- Kit contains Wind Turbine, Solar Panel(s), Batteries, 31 ft Pole, Accessories
- Each Kit is customized for area climate and may include additional cost
- Optional Motion Sensing Technology
- Optional 2nd Camera Lens with Standard viewing angles and zooming
- Optional Thermal Lens
- Additional Antenna(s)
Bulb Options for Street Lighting Systems:
- 90 Watts
Bulb Options for Parking Lot Lighting:
- 80 Watts